An autumn visit to Messolonghi

It is a well known fact that the wetlands surrounding the city of Messolonghi at western Greece is one of the best places for watching and photographing migration. Having that in mind I went there a few days ago. I left Athens at five o’clock in the morning and I was at the Kleisova . . . → Read More: An autumn visit to Messolonghi

A “famous” visitor

A few days after we returned from the photographic excursion to Mesolonghi, I returned to the area for a very short visit. The reason was that as soon as I returned from my previous visit there, I learned that we had just missed a spot where at least one Osprey is wintering every year. . . . → Read More: A “famous” visitor

Easter at Kalamas river Delta

I spend my Easter holidays at Thesprotia so I had the opportunity to visit Kalamas river delta twice. Therein lies one of the less famous wetlands of western Greece shaded by Amvrakikos gulf, Messolonghi or Gialova lagoon. This does not mean it lacks in beauty, variety and number of species that can be observed . . . → Read More: Easter at Kalamas river Delta