Lesvos 2013

I have just returned from a 4 day visit to Lesvos island. It was one of the most successful trips I have done with George Alexandris and Michael Kotsakis. Lesvos combines a great diversity of ecosystems (wetlands, forests, fields, rocky mountain areas etc) in a relatively limited space. As a result, a vast range . . . → Read More: Lesvos 2013

Lesvos (part 2)

On Sunday we went to the small inland lake near Dafia village early in the morning. Our goal was to see the Baillon’s Crake that was spotted there the previous day but we missed it for a few minutes. We found only this Little Crake feeding in the reeds of the lake.

The rest . . . → Read More: Lesvos (part 2)

Lesvos (part 1)

Last weekend I visited Lesvos. Lesvos is a very popular destination for birdwatchers and photographers. This is for two main reasons. The first is that it combines a wide variety of habitats with the most famous being the Kalloni saltworks. The second reason is that a number of bird species very difficult (if not . . . → Read More: Lesvos (part 1)