I had so much to do lately that I didn’t have any chance of getting away from the city and making some nice images. No matter how hard I tried, it seemed that there was simply no time for photography. Suddenly an idea came to my mind. I realized that the “A. Tritsis” park was located just beside the Super Market and maybe I could just steal an hour for a quick walk there. In a couple of days when I had to go shopping, I grabbed my camera with a 300mm lens and I went to the park for an hour’s walk just before going to the Super Market.
As it is often happening in these cases, the best photo opportunities come when you are least expecting them. This time, as soon as I approached one of the small lakes of the park hoping to find some waterfowl, a Sparrowhawk passed just over my head holding a pigeon he had just caught.
I followed it and for the next 30 minutes I tried to get close and get some pictures. The hard part was that the park was crowded and people were passing so close to the hawk (without even noticing it) that they scared it away before I had any chance to get close. Nevertheless in the end I did manage to get close and get some pictures that I have never been able to get before.