A different Bee-eater

Last week one Blue-cheeked Bee-eater appeared at Nea Kios just outside the city of Nafplio. The news upset the small community of birdwatchers and Nature photographers especially those of us who live in Athens and it was easier to travel the 140 kilometers of the route to see up close the rare visitor from . . . → Read More: A different Bee-eater

The small lake at Spata is here again!

It was a quite wet winter this year. The heavy rains here at Athens contributed to the creation of the small seasonal lake at Spata area just beside the Athens International Airport. This is the second time this lake is created during the last few years. Water is not as much as it was . . . → Read More: The small lake at Spata is here again!

Beyond Autofocus (part 2)

Do you remember the previous “Beyond Autofocus” post here? It was about one year before and it was when I first tried to focus using the “Liveview focus” option of the Canon 7D. I was satisfied with the results and I started using the 2x extender again on my 500 f/4L IS lens when . . . → Read More: Beyond Autofocus (part 2)