The autumn migration at Messolonghi

The autumn migration is in full swing. The best place in South Greece to watch and photograph all migrating wader species is Messolonghi. So I visited the large lagoon adjacent to the city (called Klisova) twice. The first time was in the last days of August and I went there alone. The second time was just a few days ago with the fellow wildlife photographer George Alexandris.

I focused mainly on wading birds and tried to find some unusual species that can be found there at this time of year. The big problem for wildlife photographers in Messolonghi is that although there are many subjects to photograph, they are usually quite far and there no way getting close enough to get decent photos. This time, on my first visit when there were not many birds there yet, I searched and discovered some points that can give good photographic opportunities for “difficult” species. So in the second visit we were quite prepared.

In Messolonghi we met all common wader species. Wood Sandpipers, Redshanks, Greenshanks, Little Stints, Curlew Sandpipers, Dunlins, Kentish Plovers, Semipalmated Plovers, Turnstones, Curlews, Avocets all were there. But we also managed to take pictures of some less common for Greece wader species. So we saw three Broad-billed Sandpipers, three Bar-tailed Godwits, several Red Knots and Sanderlings and even one Greater Sand Plover. Although I didn’t manage to get close to the Greater Sand Plover, this was the first time that I managed to get some “almost” decent pictures of this species.

The second visit was so successful that we decided to go back again before the end of September. Stay tuned!

3 comments to The autumn migration at Messolonghi

  • Ψηφίζω την πρώτη μακράν

  • Terence Rodbard

    Hi Petros. My compliments on your excellent photos. I was in Mesolonghi yesterday with a birding friend and feel sure that we saw a group of Slender-billed Gulls. A first, even for my experienced birding friend. The previous day we saw 350+ Flamingos at Kalogria,a favourite area of mine. I am an Englishman living in Diakofto and would be pleased to see any other additions to your site.

    All best


  • petros

    Hi Terence. Thanks for your kind words. I believe that you actually saw Slender-billed Gulls since Mesolonghi is the best place in Greece to see them. They can be spotted there all year round and you can usually see one or two of them from the road connecting the city with Tourlida.
    I am also planning to visit Kalogria and the neighboring Lamia marsh in the (very) near future.

    Best Regards