The previous weekend I visited Messolonghi again. This was my last visit there for this autumn. I went there with George and Michael two fellow nature photographers. We went to all the places that I had gone in my last visit there 2 weeks ago. We found almost all species that I had seen during my previous visit there except the Broad-billed Sandpipers. In addition we saw a Lesser Black-backed Gull although it is still rather early for that species.
We found a spot where the Caspian Terns were feeding and we managed to get some nice pictures of this quite rare Tern which can be seen at Messolonghi all year round. At the same place we found four Bar-tailed Godwits feeding in shallow waters near the beach.
During this visit we also had the time to visit the estuaries of the Acheloos river at Louros beach. We didn’t find many wader species there but we did manage to see some birds of prey such as an Osprey and a young Peregrine Falcon although we didn’t manage to get any decent pictures.
Sunday evening during our return trip I made a first quick preview of the photos of the day. Messolonghi is without doubt the premier place in southern Greece for photographing waders.
Finally the contrast between primaries and the rest of Gull’s feathers seems very little, so maybe it is the fuscus subspecies, or intermedius who sometimes can be so dark.