Messolonghi is one of the most popular destinations for bird observers and photographers. Terns are among the most popular bird species that can be seen there. Several Tern species nest there and you can easily see them fly, feed and even mate if you’re lucky enough and be there at the right time.
In late April I did have to pass though Messolonghi on my way to my wife?s hometown, so I made a brief stop there. In fact I made 2 short stops since I had to pass through Messolonghi twice. I saw many Common and Gull-billed Terns who had already arrived from the South, and 3 Caspian Terns who hadn’t left to the North yet. In my second visit (during the last days of April) the Little Terns were also there and I saw many of them feeding just a few meters away! A Common Tern couple seemed to prepare their nest very close to the main road leading to Tourlida!
The bad news was that it was already noon when I got there, the sun was out and the light was quite harsh (especially during my second visit). Nevertheless I managed to get some decent photos.