
This year I was not able to visit mount Hymettus during the migration period. The only exception was when I went see the Pallas’s Warbler. So a few days ago I did a short visit there early in the morning. I only had one hour available to me so there was no time to look for Eastern Orphean Warbler, a species that is relatively difficult to observe and even harder to photograph if you do not have enough time available. However all other residents I expected to see were present, such as the Ruppell’s Warbler shown in the photo below, a species that although it is very difficult to see elsewhere, it is fairly common on Hymettus.

Another such species is the Cretzschmar’s Bunting that can be easily spotted and photographed on Hymettus during spring.

The most spectacular sighting was an Eurasian Hobby chasing insects making impressive maneuvers in the air. Unfortunately it was quite far for photos.

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