By petros, on April 28th, 2011
A few days ago I visited the Etoliko. It is a small city at the western coast of Greece which is near a complex of lagoons and marshes hosting a large number of birds. My target was to observe and photograph a Desert Wheatear which was seen there just a few days earlier. Unfortunately . . . → Read More: Hide and seek
By petros, on April 17th, 2011
The number of migrating birds has increased significantly to the Loutros area at Spata during the last weeks. It was just a few days before, when a large flock of more than 400 Garganeys made a stop to the lake for a couple of days before continuing the journey to the North. The photo . . . → Read More: Latest news from the Loutros area at Spata
By petros, on April 5th, 2011
Last Saturday Michalis Kotsakis has spotted the first Pallas’s Warbler (Phylloscopus proregulus) for Greece. This is the 444th bird species for the country. What is more important is that the bird was found in Athens (!) at mount Hymettus. Even though birding is not a common hobby here, at Sunday many bird watchers and . . . → Read More: 444