It’s still Here!

Last Sunday I visited the Schinias wetland. It was one month ago when I visited the place for the last time.

The water was more this time but it was not enough again. As a result the wetland was nearly empty beside the Cetti’s warblers which are always there. I decided to move around in the fields and hills surrounding the marsh. I saw many “winter” species there but nothing notable. There were many Chiffchaffs, Black Redstarts, Robins, Stonechats, Winter Wrens and a few more species common for this season. I was impressed by the number of Sardinian Warblers which seemed to be many more that those I saw there during spring! At some point one of them came so close that it was difficult for the camera to focus on the bird.

Just before I leave, I made a quick pass from the same place that I saw a young Cuckoo last month during my last visit. It was a big surprise that the bird was still there! He was still feeding with maggots caught in the fields and I think that he was more used to human presence than the last time. In addition his plumage is starting to change from juvenile to adult. You can see that for yourself by comparing the photo posted here, to that posted in my previous article about my last visit one month ago. It is very unlikely that he will spend the winter there, but I will keep an eye on that place whenever I will be there.

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